- Establishing a choir in the school which will become a prerequisite for the student’s admission to the musical instruments class. Following the musical theory course, the choir will be an opportunity to apply acquired knowledge in a concrete way.
- Recruiting the most advanced students so they can assist Isnel Pierre, the haitian regular teacher in his teaching. Also selecting 2 of them who would direct the choir practices.
- Bringing a new musical repertoire for the student’s brass band to widen their musical knowledge and stimulate their intellectual and creative side.
- Looking actively for places outside the school where the brass band can perform regularly with their teachers and their music sponsors, adult musicians who are already active professionally and who encourage them.
- Promoting the Academy in radios, televisions and meeting the city’s administration who could eventually include the brass band in the activities and festivities of St-Marc.
- Structuring the committee in place so it can perform better
The Band Kutsi Merki performing during the fundraising night at Casa Obscura, December 7th 2013